Brian Sutton, Home Inspector
Brian Sutton, Home Inspector
General Inspection
General Inspection
Includes visual inspection of all systems of the home or structure: roof, attic, insulation and ventilation, foundation, crawl space, structure, exterior building envelope, windows and doors, moisture intrusion, electrical, plumbing, Heating and Cooling, and interior.
Radon Testing
Radon Testing
A 48-hour test to capture the Alpha particles and determine the Radon gas levels in a particular home at the time of inspection. Unit is placed in the lowest inhabitable space for the most accurate results.
Well & Water Testing
Well & Water Testing
Includes visual inspection of the well head, piping that is visible and the pressure tank. Test of water pressure at the house and reading the pressure tank gauge to determine pump cycling. Water tests are drawn in compliance with and tested by a licensed water test facility.
Well & Septic
Well & Septic
Includes a visual inspection of the plumbing drain system and the drain field with core samples as necessary. Location and opening of the septic tank and visual inspection of the interior as can be seen from the opening. Also includes Well and Water Testing.
Wood Destroying Organism
Wood Destroying Organism
Includes a review of the property for specific Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO), or Pests, such as termites, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and wood boring bees and wasps. Form NMPA-33 included as needed.
Service Prices
Service Prices
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
General Inspection
General Inspection
Starting At
Starting At
Under 1500 sq ft - $300
1500-1999 sq ft - $350
2000-2499 sq ft - $400
2500-2999 sq ft - $450
3000-3499 sq ft - $500
3500-3999 sq ft - $550
4000-4500 sq ft - $600
Radon Testing
Radon Testing
Stand Alone $115
With General Inspection
Well & Water
Well & Water
Stand Alone
With General Inspection
WDO (Pest)
WDO (Pest)
Stand Alone
With General Inspection
Well & Septic
Well & Septic
Septic Inspection
Well & Water
Receipt provided.
Personal check or bank/cashier's check.
Major Credit Card
Major Credit Card
Via QuickBooks Invoicing.